Fort Wayne will be known for its Four Rivers of Gold

In a Fort Wayne Prophetic Community gathering on April 21, 2023, we entered into a time of worship and art.  The art and words below are summarized from that gathering. There were 11 people who attended the gathering and 6 submitted their words and art.  The names of those who submitted are captured at the end of the words.  Lisa Wickham is the artist of the artwork on the post image.  For additional information, please email
Fort Wayne Rivers of Gold

Fort Wayne’s Four Rivers of Gold:

  1. ST MARY’S


  3. MAUMEE (MIAMI INDIANS + Peacemaker Anointing: Chief Little Turtle)

    As of the time of this post, the Peacemaker Anointing prophecy from March of 2023 has not yet been published.


    1. “There will be an outpouring of the Holy Spirit throughout the City of Fort Wayne throughout all of its 265,974 people.”

      I received this word when I was in worship at a church during my Texas prison ministry trip with BSSM (Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry) in March of 2023. Three years ago, I had an experience where a client was moving from Texas to the Fort Wayne area with a seven foot (significance in SEVEN with me) bald eagle (significance in eagles with me) statue and there was emphasis for me at that time that there was a significance between what was coming from Texas to Fort Wayne. The knowledge and experience I received during the ministry trip was brought with me from Texas to Fort Wayne and I returned to Fort Wayne on the date of my 10-year sobriety anniversary. ~Denise Borg

    2. I see Unity in worship and praise will explode in Northeast Indiana. Worship in parks, malls and on the streets will bring together Christians of all denominations. Catholics, Methodist, Anglican, Baptist, Eastern Orthodox, Pentecostal, Shakers, Quakers and many others will worship and praise Jesus with one voice. These outburst of worship will break loose the heavens and light the way for an outpouring of Holy Spirit Power. ~Leo Vogt

    3. I really did not “see” much. But I felt such a joy in the worship. Almost a child like joy. The Father loved how we danced and drew and just entered in to his sweet presence. I believe as we continue to meet together, we will see more and more in attendance and a stronger move of God! ~Bobbi Muncy

    4. I continually pray for unbelievers to have undeniable experiences that lead to their awakening and for heaven-like unity to arise throughout this city and the world... Beginning in every home.

      I attended a Seder meal and the four cups are symbolic of the four promises of God. They are as follows:

      • I will bring you out.

      • I will deliver you.

      • I will redeem you.

      • I will take you to me.

      I believe they echo our prayers for Fort Wayne and as we stand in faith on His promises, how can it not happen? ~Rhonda Bailey

    5. On Wednesday 4-19, Denise called me while I was driving to work to tell me the plan for our Friday night Prophetic Community meeting. When she told me that one thing we would be doing is using a map of Fort Wayne and seeing what words God gives us. Almost immediately, I had "Rivers of Gold" come to me. Since I was driving she sent those words to me via text, so I wouldn't forget.

      Fast forward to Friday night, and just as I was looking at the map and my text, Lisa came up to me & mentioned that Denise had shared my word. She showed me a painting that she was working on based on my word. It was the city skyline with a flower and 3 gold rivers coming out of it. I was instantly drawn to look up via Google, "Rivers of Gold in Bible", which led me to Genesis 2:10-14. It talks about a river flowing out of Eden to water a garden & then divided into 4 rivers. I had this come to me:

      • New Beginnings (Eden)

      • Healing Waters

      • Prosperity

      • Breakthrough

      • Kingdom Wealth

      Then He also highlighted the 3 existing rivers: St. Joseph, St. Mary's & Maumee BUT, distinguished the Fourth as an inflow of the Holy Spirit/God's Holy Current.

      As I type this, this is what comes to me: I believe this is the healing and revival, which will end up being the reformation, much needed in the city of Fort Wayne. The fourth river will wash away all the old ways, old thinking & religious spirit. Then, as a river works.....flows downstream, therefore affecting other areas & regions. I think of the flooding the Mississippi is experiencing right now from the snow melting in Minnesota. As it flows downstream, it gets bigger and bigger. It takes over more ground. ~Chris Borg


Prophetic Words for 2025: Fort Wayne


Prophetic blessings over the City of Fort Wayne: October 7, 2022